p r e s s p r e s s

Community Publishing Studio

Open-access publishing studio, running on our Exchange Economy, library, and cultural programming space in Baltimore, MD.

With Press Press’s Exchange Economy (EE), anyone can learn how to self-publishing their work in our studio, in exchange for any contribution to the broader project. Through the use of time-banking, EE cultivates new programs, resources, workshops, and relationships in our storefront space, while building a community of new and experienced independent publishers. Participants only pay for the use of materials at cost and can choose to participate in one-on-one learning with a member of our team during our weekly open hours.

With the help of our local Program Committee, we run mostly free public cultural programming including talks, educational workshops, dance parties, poetry readings and more. If you'd like to be involved, please reach out to us!

Documents (pdf downloads)



The Making Of: Publics & Liberation
Intuition is Where History Meets the Body: Artist-in-Residence Amanda Horowitz Work Work by HH: Artist-in-Residence Hannah Hiaasen For Black Girls Considering Womanism Because Feminism Is Not Enuf: Workshop by Bilphena Yahwon & Nnennaya Amuchie
Real Real: Text Books for Realness Press Press Library