Visiting Artist, Amanda Horowitz, hosts critique sessions following Liz Lerman's Critical Response Process.
Liz Lerman's Critical Response Process is a multi-step, group system for giving and receiving useful feedback on creative processes and artistic works-in-progress. In partnership with our visiting artist, Amanda Horowitz, we will be hosting two community CRP workshops. These workshops will lay out the 4-step CRP process and we will have space available for 6 individuals to present their creative works-in-progress. All are welcome to come and be a part of the process, either as a peer reviewer or sharing artist, and all types of creative practices are welcome.
The CRP is intended to nurture the development of artistic-works-in-progress, and assist artists at their most vulnerable stages of creation. The CRP avoids hierarchical judgements, instead offering ways to exchange in critical dialogue that incites excitement for the creative process. Practicing the CRP can provide a valuable model for looking at and evaluating the world around us, and has the potential to create supportive community relationships and creative exchanges. For this reason, Liz Lerman’s critique method could also be used as a way to read the news, talk about pop culture, and react to the shifting political climate. We are excited to have these two workshops and imagine as a group the other applications of this valuable critique method.
Poetry for Persistence, our new print fundraising & distribution initiative with Printed Matter.
Toolkit for Cooperative, Collective, & Collaborative Cultural Work, our new project with Institute for Expanded Research is out now!
Commune Diverge Shift Connect: A Press Press Chronicle, our ongoing partnership with the Institute for Expanded Research.
Sentiments: Expressions of Cultural Passage, our newest print & digital publication.
If I Ruled The World 2016, a publication and conference inspired by the Nas classic.